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Myanmar pardons more than 2,000 political dissidents

Myanmar's generals say they have pardoned more than 2000 political prisoners to mark Wesak, a major  ...View More

Myanmar military confirms air raid that killed dozens in Sagaing

Myanmar's military has admitted carrying out an air attack on a community hall in the central Sagain ...View More

At least 100 killed in Myanmar military air attacks

Warning - you may find the images in the report disturbing. Myanmar's military has launched air atta ...View More

Two years since the Myanmar military coup

The conflict between the military and anti-coup fighters in Myanmar has only deepened after two year ...View More

ASEAN foreign ministers fail to take tough stance on Myanmar

South East Asian countries have again failed to take a tough stance against Myanmar's military ruler ...View More

Thailand sends aid to Myanmar as violence eases near border

Aid is being sent from Thailand to people displaced by fighting in Myanmar after violence eased near ...View More

Myanmar military reverts to scorched earth tactics, massacres

The spokesperson for the National Unity Government of Myanmar is accusing the military in northwest  ...View More

Clashes between Myanmar military and ethnic fighters continue

The fighting between government forces and ethnic Karen armed groups have forced thousands of refuge ...View More

Thousands flee to Thailand as Myanmar military attacks Karen forces

Fighting between Myanmar's military and ethnic Karen armed groups continued on Monday, close to the  ...View More

Save the Children says two staff missing after attack in Myanmar

A United Kingdom-based humanitarian group says two of its Myanmar staff are missing after the charre ...View More

Myanmar army air raids send hundreds fleeing into Thailand

Hundreds of refugees have fled across the Myanmar border into Thailand on Friday, after fierce fight ...View More

China on agenda of ASEAN annual meeting as Myanmar snubbed

Southeast Asian leaders will hold their annual meeting without Myanmar's top general, who was exclud ...View More

Hundreds of political prisoners freed in Myanmar after amnesty

Myanmar's military government has started releasing political prisoners. The amnesty grants freedom  ...View More

Min Aung Hlaing blames opposition for violence after ASEAN snub

Myanmar's coup leader Min Aung Hlaing has rejected demands made by the Association of Southeast Asia ...View More

Myanmar outbreak: Mistrust and fear drive patients away from healthcare system

COVID patients in Myanmar are having difficulty getting treatment in a public hospital. A lack of re ...View More

Myanmar military government accused of arresting doctors as COVID cases soar

Cases of COVID-19 are surging in Myanmar and the healthcare system is not only overstretched but und ...View More

Jailed Myanmar politician Nyan Win dies from COVID

A warning – this report shows some distressing images. A rapid new wave of infections has suddenly s ...View More

Myanmar journalists seek refuge in Thailand

In Myanmar, journalists are facing arrest and torture for simply doing their jobs. Some are escaping ...View More

Thai border network helps people flee Myanmar military crackdown

Near the border town of Mae Sot, Thailand, a growing underground network is helping people flee the  ...View More

Myanmar: Arrests of journalists and media workers soar

The situation for journalists covering the military crackdown in Myanmar has grown increasingly dang ...View More

ASEAN demands ‘immediate cessation of violence’ in Myanmar

Southeast Asian nations have called for an immediate end to violence against civilians in Myanmar. A ...View More

Opponents of Myanmar coup announce unity government

Politicians opposed to Myanmar's military rule have formed a National Unity Government. It includes  ...View More

10 Myanmar police killed in attack by ethnic armies: Reports

A coalition of three powerful armed groups in Myanmar has reportedly attacked security forces for th ...View More

Myanmar UN envoy urges no-fly zone as many protesters killed

On Friday, the UN Security Council heard pleas from the people of Myanmar for action to stop the mil ...View More

Myanmar ambassador locked out of London embassy | AJ #shorts

It's kind of a coup in the middle of London.” Myanmar's UK ambassador says a Yangon military-linked  ...View More

Myanmar’s envoy to UK ‘locked out of London embassy’

Kyaw Zwar Minn found himself locked out of the Myanmar embassy in London after making comments criti ...View More

Myanmar death toll edges up to 550 as online crackdown tightens

At least five more people have been killed in Myanmar in the latest crackdown on anti-coup protester ...View More

Myanmar protesters rally as Thailand slams military crackdown

Activists in Myanmar have burned copies of a military-framed constitution in protest against Senior  ...View More

Thousands flee for Thailand as Myanmar military bombs border area

Some 3000 people from Myanmar's southeastern Karen state fled to neighbouring Thailand after the mil ...View More

Army fires at funeral as Myanmar mourns day of ‘mass murder’

Myanmar security forces have opened fire on people gathered for the funeral of one of the 114 people ...View More

‘Day of shame’: Dozens of anti-coup protesters killed in Myanmar

Myanmar's largest city Yangon looked and sounded like a battle zone as soldiers and police roamed th ...View More

Myanmar protests: At least 50 shot dead by military in crackdown

Myanmar media reports at least 50 people killed by military in crackdown on anti-coup protests. - Su ...View More

Myanmar's protesters start to flee country

Myanmar's security forces have been intensifying their crackdown on anti-coup protesters and people  ...View More

Envoy of Myanmar civilian gov’t defiant after treason charge

As some protesters in Myanmar fight back against the security forces' violent crackdown - the milita ...View More

Myanmar steps up crackdown after China-backed factories set ablaze

As more protesters head out to the streets in Myanmar, China has renewed its call for the military t ...View More

China urges action over attacks on Chinese-owned factories in Myanmar

A day after dozens were killed in anti-coup protests across Myanmar - the deadliest since the coup s ...View More

Myanmar: Protests continue as ousted politician seeks revolution

At least four more people have been killed during anti-coup protests in Myanmar. Earlier, the acting ...View More

Inside Myanmar's Crackdown - 101 East is on the front lines after the military coup

Content warning: This film contains footage of physical abuse, shootings and deceased people. Myanma ...View More

‘Barricaded’ Myanmar protesters leave after tense standoff

Police and security forces have allowed hundreds of protesters in Myanmar's biggest city Yangon to l ...View More

UN envoy urges Myanmar be put ‘on notice’ amid fresh bloodshed

Another protester has been killed in Myanmar, as a United Nations envoy urged a divided Security Cou ...View More

Myanmar ramps up violent crackdown on anti-coup protesters

Security forces have intensified their crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar. On Saturday, th ...View More

Myanmar military coup: Ambassador to the UN has been fired

State MRTV says he had 'Betrayed the country and spoken for an unofficial organisation'. - Subscribe ...View More

Myanmar protests: UN special envoy updates general assembly

Christine Schraner-Burgener: UN special envoy for Myanmar gives briefing to New York general assembl ...View More

Malaysia deports 1,086 Myanmar nationals despite court order

Malaysia has deported 1086 Myanmar nationals, despite a court order temporarily halting the repatria ...View More

Myanmar police shoot dead 2 protesters in bloodiest post-coup day

Violence is escalating in Myanmar, with security forces cracking down further on protesters demandin ...View More

Myanmar coup: Military pushes punitive cybersecurity bill

Myanmar's military rulers are granting themselves new powers to monitor, search, and detain people i ...View More

Myanmar military coup: UN Human Rights adopts resolution

UN Security Council members have called for the immediate release of detained activists. - Subscribe ...View More

Myanmar police join protest movement

Myanmar's junta leader has urged government workers to return to work after six days of mass demonst ...View More

Myanmar protests continue after violent crackdown

Protesters in Myanmar returned to the streets for a fifth consecutive day and a day after rallies we ...View More

Tens of thousands protest Myanmar coup, internet blackout eased

Tens of thousands of people rallied again in Myanmar's biggest city Yangon on Sunday denouncing a mi ...View More

Thousands of Myanmar protesters in standoff with police in Yangon

Thousands of people took to the streets of Yangon to denounce a military coup and demanded the relea ...View More

Myanmar anti-junta protests spread, Twitter and Instagram blocked

A digital crackdown by Myanmar's military government on protesters' online presence is intensifying. ...View More

Myanmar coup: Politicians defy military in symbolic session

Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party remains defiant after it won the electi ...View More

Myanmar coup: Diaspora community concerned for relatives

Outside of their homeland, more people from Myanmar live in Thailand than anywhere else in the world ...View More

Myanmar military blocks Facebook, social media as pressure grows

There are reports of more arrests in Myanmar, as protests against Monday's military coup gather pace ...View More

Medics in Myanmar on strike against military amid COVID-19 crisis

Public sector medical workers across Myanmar began a civil disobedience protest against Monday's cou ...View More

Myanmar police file charges against Aung San Suu Kyi after coup

Myanmar police have filed charges against overthrown leader Aung San Suu Kyi for illegally importing ...View More

Widespread protests in Myanmar's Yangon after NLD condemns coup, calls for leaders' release.

The UN Security Council has failed to agree on a joint statement condemning Monday's coup in Myanmar ...View More

Myanmar coup: Interview with Kyaw Win, the director of Burma Human rights Network in UK

Myanmar's military has declared a state of emergency on Monday as it said it carried out detentions  ...View More

Military takes power in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi detained

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from the ruling party have been detained in ...View More

Myanmar in turmoil over disputed election

A day ahead of the opening of a new parliament in Myanmar, fears of a possible military coup linger. ...View More

Polls close in Myanmar election

The polls have closed in Myanmar's general election, its second since the end of direct military rul ...View More

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi launches election campaign

Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi has kicked off her governing party's campaign - ahead of November' ...View More

Myanmar lockdown: Karen minority defies school ban orders

Some schools in Myanmar are refusing to close amid an increase in coronavirus infections. The govern ...View More

Myanmar peace talks: Growing frustration over lack of progress

Rebel army leaders in Myanmar say they are frustrated by a lack of progress in peace talks with the  ...View More

Myanmar to restart peace process with rebel groups

Myanmar's stalled peace process will restart with another round of negotiations between the governme ...View More

Myanmar: Karen minority demand troops leave area

Myanmar's military says two soldiers accused of killing a woman from an ethnic minority community wi ...View More

Myanmar: More than 160 killed in jade mine landslide

A landslide at a jade mine in northern Myanmar has killed at least 162 people and wounded another 54 ...View More

UN envoy: Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi failed as humanitarian

The UN's outgoing human rights envoy for Myanmar says the country's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, has fa ...View More

UN's top human rights envoy to Myanmar steps down

The UN's special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, Yanghee Lee, is stepping down after spending ...View More

Myanmar cancels Thingyan celebrations amid coronavirus fears

Myanmar will ring in a new year next week. But celebrations will be muted because of the coronavirus ...View More

Myanmar: Karen minority demands protection in peace park

The Karen ethnic minority in Myanmar has been fighting for greater autonomy for 70 years. One of the ...View More

Minorities in Myanmar receive training

The group says they have trained over 300 teams and about 70 are in operation, helping injured civil ...View More

Ongoing fighting, abuses in Myanmar's northern Shan State

In Myanmar's northern Shan State, ethnic armed groups have been fighting the Myanmar military for mo ...View More

Myanmar: No sign of lasting peace in Wa State

In Myanmar, it's been almost four years since a so-called Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement was signed  ...View More

Myanmar conflict: Arakan violence rises in Rakhine state

In Myanmar's Rakhine state, another ethnic group besides the Rohingya has been fighting for its righ ...View More

UN investigator calls for tougher approach on Myanmar abuses

The UN special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar says the US sanctions imposed on senior militar ...View More

Myanmar quarry: Chinese road project causes division | Al Jazeera English

For some villagers along Myanmar's border with Thailand, the promise of a new road is a threat to li ...View More

Exclusive: Myanmar state agents triggered violence

Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit has gathered evidence linking agents of the Myanmar government to un ...View More